Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Fight A Speeding Ticket

A proven Legal way to beat Speeding Tickets. Written by two hot-shot defence lawyers, you will never have to Pay a for another traffic offence again! To get your copy CLICK HERE NOW!!

By Randy Gauthier

So you were pulled over and ya maybe you were doing a little bit over the speed limit. As you sit there with the flashing lights in your rear view mirror you are hoping that the officer is going to come back and say those words that we all hope, "I'm going to let you off on a warning this time" but to your dismay he hands you back your drivers license and registration along with a big fat ticket and tells you to have a good day.
So now you have this ticket. What are you going to do? Should you just pay it? The answer is NO. I believe that you should always fight your speeding tickets, even if you were speeding. The simple reason... Its your right as a American. You are innocent until proven guilty and by just paying your speeding ticket you are simply waiving your rights to due process.

Did you know that every day in America people are given traffic citations with out any proof to back up the citation. That is the beauty of the judicial system in this country, with out proof that you were speeding YOU CAN NOT BE CONVICTED. So, when you are given a speeding ticket you will need to know how to fight your speeding ticket. One of the most important thing to remember is to never argue with the officer who is issuing you the citation. It is important for you to always be courteous with the officer and make sure that at the same time you find out as much as you can about the offense you are given a ticket for. For instance you need to find out: How did they record your speed, - was it from a stationary vehicle or by following you to estimate the speed;(commonly referred to as pace)*note this is the easiest form of a traffic ticket to get dismissed) if from stationary vehicle what device and so on.

Many times, the officer might no be inclined to offer you this information on the at the scene, but rest assured that you have the right to this information and it is important to obtain it as it will become important when you decide that you are going to fight your speeding ticket. If the officer is not inclined to give you the information at the scene, You may need to file for the information later on by filing a motion of Discovery . When the officer pulls you over, remember never to admit that you know why they pulled you over in the first place. Such admissions would be used against you in the court. If you have already done this don't worry you can still fight your ticket and get it dismissed.

It is sad, but every day in this country, over 100,000 motorists are blatantly taken advantage of by the same people that have been sworn to protect them. Under the guise of "safety" innocent drivers are being ticketed and sucked dry of their hard earned money. Unfortunately, something that began as a means to punish unsafe drivers and enforce laws to keep the general public safe has turned into one of the largest money-making scams our very own government has ever created. Millions of people have had to dish-out thousands of dollars in fines and raised insurance premiums as a result of unjust speeding tickets.

Key Factors In Fighting a speeding ticket: *Always ensure that the citation that you were issued contains accurate and complete descriptions of the citation that you are being charged with. * Survey the scene and prepare for your defense from the moment the officer left the scene where you were issued your citation. You will need to record as many details of the scene as possible such as circumstances, (was a shrub or bush blocking the posted speed sign) weather conditions, road conditions, and other traffic conditions and any other conditions that may help you in your case. Also, taking photos of the scene is always good. What you are trying to do is cast any shadow of doubt upon your case as this will aid in getting your ticket dismissed and help you in fighting a speeding ticket.

In my opinion it is highly advisable to fight a speeding ticket and never just admit to wrong doing. The reasons are as follows. Fighting a speeding ticket(also known as contesting) will at the very least almost always get your charges reduced and the fines lowered and if you play your cards right and know how to fight a speeding ticket correctly more than likely get the case dismissed altogether. You would be amazed at how easy it is to fight a speeding ticket and have it completely dropped. It is also important to note that if you don't fight a speeding ticket not only will you be paying the cost of the fine but you will also be looking at costly insurance premium hikes, likely in the range of 30% above what you are paying now for the next 3 years and you will also incur costly points on your driving record which could result in the suspension of your driving privileges completely.
Beating a speeding ticket has been made easy with ticket beating tricks that all traffic cops don't want you to know. There are many resources available that can aide you in fighting a speeding ticket. DONT JUST PAY YOUR TICKET... LEARN HOW TO FIGHT IT TODAY!!! ITS YOUR RIGHT AS A AMERICAN. - "Dont Pay Another Speeding ticket" Succesfully fighting a speeding ticket is easier than you think with the resources that we have for you. Our resources will show you how to fight your ticket with tricks that Traffic Cops don't want you to know. Along with, If you should fight, plea bargain, or pay the fine! We will show you, How to plan ahead! Your basic rights! What to do in court! About radar, laser, and photo-laser units! About other types of tickets: red lights, stop signs, u-turns, parking tickets, etc! And much, MUCH MORE!! FIGHT YOUR TICKET TODAY!!

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